Easy Wok Recipes | Essential Ingredients

Lots of other great foods can easily get cooked together with your jumbo shrimp or prawns when you are cooking them in a wok. Essential ingredients are ingredients in our jumbo prawn recipes for wokking which we include in virtually every common recipe because a) we like them and b) they give a lot of health benefits as part of your meals. We try to make ALL of our meals here healthy and beneficial to you.

Cooking Prawns in a Wok | How many Black Beans?

Cooking Prawns in a Wok | How many Black Beans?

Fermented Black Beans are potently flavorful and quite salty, so for a meal serving 1,2 or 3 people you only need one tablespoon or less usually. We like our garlic and ginger as well, and usually…

Cooking Prawns in a Wok | Fermented Black Beans

Cooking Prawns in a Wok | Fermented Black Beans

Already a fabulous complement to a great many wok cooked meals, and a really incredible addition to wok cooked jumbo prawn recipes are Fermented Black Beans which add (when used in moderation) just…

Fermented Black Beans, Garlic, Ginger

Fermented Black Beans, Garlic, Ginger

You can't ask for a better complement to wokking of jumbo prawns and shrimp than the trio of Fermented Black Beans, fresh garlic, and fresh ginger.


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How to Care for a Wok | Seasoning a Wok | How to Clean a Wok | Easy and Simple Wok Cooking Techniques