Lots of other great foods can easily get cooked together with your jumbo shrimp or prawns when you are cooking them in a wok. Essential ingredients are ingredients in our jumbo prawn recipes for wokking which we include in virtually every common recipe because a) we like them and b) they give a lot of health benefits as part of your meals. We try to make ALL of our meals here healthy and beneficial to you.
Easy Wok Recipes | Essential Ingredients
Cooking Prawns in a Wok | How many Black Beans?
Fermented Black Beans, Garlic, Ginger
Fermented Black Beans are potently flavorful and quite salty, so for a meal serving 1,2 or 3 people you only need one tablespoon or less usually. We like our garlic and ginger as well, and usually…
Cooking Prawns in a Wok | Fermented Black Beans
Fermented Black Beans, Garlic, Ginger
Already a fabulous complement to a great many wok cooked meals, and a really incredible addition to wok cooked jumbo prawn recipes are Fermented Black Beans which add (when used in moderation) just…
Fermented Black Beans, Garlic, Ginger
You can't ask for a better complement to wokking of jumbo prawns and shrimp than the trio of Fermented Black Beans, fresh garlic, and fresh ginger.