Ingredients just are too different in Cooking Sensitivity

Another reason why you may want to modify the 'one-pot' wok cooking recipe technique could be that you are having trouble getting everything cooked properly because the ingredients are just too different in cooking sensitivities. For example, some excellent wok meals include a really quick stir fry of spinach. If you try to use the regular 'one-pot' wok cooking methods, when do you add the spinach? Spinach really wants to be cooked directly in the hot wok with little other ingredients present at all. In this case, for example, you'll want to cook the spinach separately from the rest of the wok recipe. Most likely, you would just cook the wok meal first, then as soon as you remove it from the wok, just cook the spinach in the 30 seconds or so it takes in the hot wok. A two step cooking variation.

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